Marc Schlichtner

Principal Key Expert and Founding Member of the T-Club, Siemens Healthineers


Marc works in portfolio management at the Digital Health unit at Siemens Healthineers. He also founded the T-Club a transformation community, promoting interdisciplinary exchanges and digital transformation. Before joining Healthineers, Marc held various leadership positions at Siemens AG, such as Head of Technology and Innovation at the Service Unit of the Digital Industry Division, Head of Portfolio Management Digital Services or Head of Group Modernization and Migration Solutions. Due to his many years of experience in product-, portfolio and innovation management, he holds the function of a “Principal Key Expert” at Siemens Healthineers in the respective fields.

Siemens Healthineers is one of the world’s leading medical technology companies with over 120 years of experience and 18,500 patents. Siemens Healthineers helps healthcare providers worldwide to expand precision medicine, transform healthcare, improve patient experience, and digitize healthcare. The portfolio includes ultrasound examination systems, mammography devices, computer tomographs and much more.

Key Theme: Transformation “Evangelists” are Vital

Although Marc has a classical line role within the company, he is also a lateral thinker and thrives to transform towards a more innovative and explorative culture within and outside the company. For him, this mission as communicator & translator is particularly important. “Employees as well as leaders should be able to translate the transformation sermon. It’s not about technical or psychological skills that we’re lacking, it’s about bringing them to action. What is the missing link? Actually, it’s really intertwined with the evangelist and the topic of transformation, because everybody involved in such a transformation — just from a hierarchical organizational standpoint — needs to have the same mental model and mindset.”

For full interview chapter of Marc and other digital leaders, please read the book.