Our work has been informed by our combined 75-plus years in industry.  This includes:

Paul Mugge

Paul Mugge has 35 years in product development, global business strategy, and business innovation services at IBM and 15 years of researching and teaching innovation as the Executive Director of the Center for Innovation Management at NC State University. It was through this experience that Mugge learned that more important than technology or product innovation is business model innovation. It, by far, is the hardest to copy—and the most important to establishing long-term growth. He captured these ideas—and the actual methods to perform business model innovation—in a book he co-authored with Dr. Stephen Markham titled, Traversing the Valley of Death: A practical guide for corporate innovation leaders. More recently, Mugge got caught up in the biggest business model innovation of our time—digital transformation. In his latest book titled, Trust: The Winning Formula for Digital Leaders, he and his co-authors, Abbu and Gudergan, explore how “building trust”—and not their technological competence —sets the leaders of this phenomenon apart. Most importantly, Mr. Mugge has spent his entire career, both at IBM and NC State University, listening and sharing what he has learned with scores of organizations that intend to separate themselves through managing innovation.

For more info, click paulmugge

Haroon Abbu

Dr. Haroon Abbu is Vice President of Digital, Data, and Analytics at Bell & Howell headquartered in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. He is an accomplished leader with more than 20 years’ industry experience in leading technology-enabled business transformation while building analytics and digital transformation teams ground up. Haroon brings together world-class research in partnership with NC State University and Germany’s RWTH Aachen University to advance thought leadership on digital leadership. He is a frequent keynote speaker and a panelist at various industry events and has published his work in reputed business magazines and scholarly journals.

In his 2021 book titled, Trust: The Winning Formula for Digital Leaders, a Practical Guide for Digital Transformation, he and his co-authors, explore differentiated actions of digitally mature companies and how their digital leaders succeed by building trust.

For more info, click haroonabbu.com

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Gerhard Gudergan

Dr. Gerhard Gudergan is the deputy managing director at FIR Institute for Industrial Management at RWTH Aachen University in Germany. He is a renowned researcher with over 20 years of experience in the fields of service management, business transformation and digital leadership. Besides his research, Gudergan translates his entrepreneurial mindset into numerous spinoffs. Currently his focus is on the Metropolitan Cities Initiative, as the acting head of this latest project. The vision is to use urban innovation to transform the fifth largest metropolitan region in Europe, Rhine-Ruhr, into the most livable metropolitan area possible.